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Log Streaming


This section describes how to troubleshoot log streaming setup. You may contact CloudAEye at for assistance after your initial investigation.

Microservices on Kubernetes (AWS EKS)

To debug: Run the update agent command. You will see that a helm command is printed in the terminal

Copy that command and set the –logs-destination to stdout.

helm upgrade cae-k8-agent cae-k8-agent \
   --set agent.eks.ec2=true \
   --create-namespace \
   --namespace cloudaeye \
   --set namespace=cloudaeye \
   --set client.cloud_env=aws \
   --set client.app_name="My App" \
   --set client.app_key="MA" \
   --repo \
   --set user.key=QUtJQYOURKEY1NIMlc= \
   --set user.secret=RjBsTWFWZ24YOURSECRETKEYeE5Jb0JPRmtpZg== \
   --set client.cluster_name="my-cluster" \
   --set logs.enabled=true \
   --set logs.source=kubernetes \
   --set "exclude_namespaces={cloudaeye}" \
   --set logs.url= \
   --set logs.kubernetes.controlPlaneEnabled=false \
   --set logs.destination=stdout

This will print out the logs to the stdout of the agent's container. Please use kubectl logs command to see the logs. For example,

kubectl logs cae-k8-agent-v9vjw -n cloudaeye

If you can see your application's logs, then something is not working when the agent stream the logs to the http destination. If you do not see the application's logs, then the agent is not able to collect your application's log yet. Please contact CloudAEye with details for assistance.

Containerized Applications (Docker on AWS EC2)

To debug: Run the install agent command. You will see a command is printed in the terminal. Copy that command and set the FLUENT_LOG_DESTINATION to stdout.

docker run -d -p 24224:24224 \
   --name cae-logs-agent \
   --network test \
   -e FLUENT_PLUGINS=docker \
   -e FLUENT_UID=0 \
   -e CAE_CUSTOMER_ENV=aws \
   -e APP_NAME="SockShop" \

Serverless Functions (AWS Lambda)

Serverless Containers (ECS Fargate)