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Test RCA - Test Failure Analysis

This guide describes how to view test failure analysis for your configured applications.

View Test Failure Analysis

From the left navigation, select Test RCA. You will see a table that shows recent test failures.

Test RCA - Dashboard

The table shows the following details:

  • Current Status column shows the status of the build. Everytime CloudAEye detects a test failure, the build shows up in this table.
  • CI column shows type of CI (Continuous Integration) being used.
  • Build Project column shows the project details.
  • Failed Tests column shows the number of failed tests during this build.
  • Total Tests column shows the total number of tests in the build.
  • Start Time column shows when the build was started.
  • Duration column shows the total duration of the build.

Filtering & Searching

On the top right corner, you may filter the table based on CI type or build project status. You may also search for a specific project.

View Details of a Test Failure

Click on the "View" button to see the details of a test failure analysis. Review the root cause and proposed fix to quickly resolve the failed test.

Error Log

The first tab shows the test failure logs.

Test RCA - Error Log

The second tab show all the relevant information for the build project.

Test RCA - Info & Links

Root Cause

The third tab shows the root cause analysis of the failed test. This expains why the test failed.

Test RCA - Root Cause


The fourth tab shows the proposed fix from CloudAEye to fix the failed test.

Test RCA - Fix

You may click on "Add Suggested Changes" button to accept the changes.


The fifth tab shows the build history where this test failed and passed.

Test RCA - Builds