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GitHub Integration for Test RCA

This guide describes how to connect your GitHub repositories for an application.

Connecting GitHub Repositories

Step 1: Navigate through CloudAEye Console

  • Go to "Integrations" in the sidebar. Click on the Test RCA tab. You will see a table with the supported integrations. Test RCA Integration

NOTE: Please be aware that you need to integrate GitHub first before adding any CI integrations (GitHub Actions, Jenkins, CodeBuild, etc.)

Step 2: View GitHub Integration

  • Click on the Connect icon for the GitHub under the Action column. You will see a table of configured applications and their GitHub repositories. Test RCA - View GitHub Integration

NOTE: When you visit this page for the first time, the table will be empty.

Step 3: Connect GitHub

  • Click on Add button to add your first application. Test RCA - Connect GitHub

You will see a page that asks for a GitHub Personal Access Token.

Step 4: Create a GitHub Personal Access Token

  • From your GitHub profile, select Settings. Scroll down to Developer settings. Then choose Personal access tokens > Fine-grained tokens'. Click onGenerate new token` button. You will come to New fine-grained personal access token page.

Please populate the form to generate a new token.

  • Token name: Provide a name. For example, CloudAEye Test RCA
  • Expiration: Select a Custom expiration with a 5 to 10 year horizon. Otherwise, the integration will stop working after a short period of time when the token expires.
  • Description: Provide a description. For example, this token is used to connect CloudAEye's test failure analysis.
  • Resource owner: Select the resource owner from the drop down. Typically, you want to select your organization's resource.
  • Repository access: You may select "All repositories" option. If you want to use different GitHub token to configure different applications (not common), you may select "Only select repositories" option and select the GitHub repositories you want to connect.
  • Permissions: Provide "Read-only" access for the following: Actions, Contents, Metadata, Pull requests. Please select "Read and write" access for Webhooks so that CloudAEye can add a webhook.
  • Overview: You will see 5 permissions being selected. Test RCA - GitHub Personal Access Token

Click on Generate token button to generate the new token. Save the GitHub personal access token somewhere secure for future reference. Copy the newly created token and paste it the CloudAEye's Add page. Click on "Submit" button. The page will show "Validated! Continue to next steps" button. Click to continue.

NOTE on Resource owner:

  • If you only see your GitHub handle, you may need to configure your organization's personal access token policy.
  • Visit the following page of your organization to configure the policy: (Replace YourOrg with your organization's name in the URL. For example, CloudAEye)
  • You want to select the option that says "Allow access via fine-grained personal access tokens" and "Do not require administrator approval".

Step 5: Choose Your Application Repositories

  • Application Name: Provide your application's name. For example, SockShop.
  • Repository Name: Select all the repositories that are part of your application. You will see visual confirmation when you select each repositories. For smooth operations, you want to see all green checks.
  • Under "Language & Test Framework" column, select the programming language and test framework used to write the tests.

Test RCA - GitHub Choose Application

Step 6: Complete the Setup

  • Click on "Submit" button to complete the setup. Congratulations! You have successfully added your first application.

Edit GitHub Integration

From the View GitHub Integration page, you may select the pencil icon to edit an application. This will take you to the Edit Github Integration page for the application.

Test RCA - Edit GitHub Integration

You may update the repositories, programming language and test framework(s) being used. Click "Submit" button to save your changes.

Delete GitHub Integration

You may remove a GitHub mapping for an application in two ways. From the View GitHub Integration page, you may click on the red coss button. You will see a confirmation page.

Test RCA - Remove GitHub Integration

Click on "Yes, remove GitHub" button to confirm.

You may also remove a GitHub mapplication for an application by clicking on the pencil icon first. Then click on "Remove Application" button. You will see the confirmation page. Click on "Yes, remove GitHub" button to confirm.

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