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GitHub Actions Integration for Test RCA

This guide describes how to connect your GitHub Actions CI for an application.

Connect GitHub Actions Webhook

Step 1: Navigate through CloudAEye Console

After installing the CloudAEye DevProd GitHub app, you will see a page like the following:

Test RCA - Actions

Click on Configure Repos button to map the GitHub repositories and workflows.

Step 2: Map Repositories and Webhook

Select the repositories and associated data for all the GitHub repositories.

  • App Name: Provide your application's name. You may select an existing application name from the drop down or add a new application name. For example, SockShop.
  • Repository Name: Select all the repositories that are part of your application.
  • Test Suite Branch: From the drop-down menu, select the code branch. This will be used to scan the code base.
  • Under "Which test framework is used?" column, select the programming language and test framework used to write the tests.
  • Under "Which workflow are the tests run from?", click on "Choose" button to select the workflow.

Test RCA - Actions Mapping

Step 3: Complete the Setup

  • Click on "Save & Apply" button to complete the setup.

Edit GitHub Actions Integration

Refer to GitHub Edit.

Delete GitHub Actions Integration

Refer to GitHub Delete.

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