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Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) is a managed service that provides message delivery from publishers to subscribers (also known as producers and consumers).

Enable collection SNS logs and metrics in cloudaeye to monitor and analysis of the time-series data using state-of-the-art machine learning technologies for monitoring and anomaly detection in distributed cloud application.


Account Access

This step is optional. We strongly recommend that you allow us to retreive info about your services because it will greatly minimize the chances of making a mistake


Configuration for SNS Logs Collection

User must select AWS Services field in application creation form and select SNS service from AWS Service dropdown. Provide the cloudwatch log group associated with the SNS

Configuration for SNS Metrics Collection

User must select AWS Services field in application creation form and select SNS service from AWS Service dropdown. Provide required dimensions and metrics to be collected.

If you have allow us to retreive service details from your account, the dimensions will shown as a dropdown.


Detailed description of metrics and dimension can be viewed at SNS metrics and dimensions

Supported SNS Dimensions

SNS provides below dimensions on which metrics are collected.

Dimension Description
Application Filters on application objects, which represent an app and device registered with one of the supported push notification services, such as APNs and FCM
Platform Filters on application and platform objects, where the platform objects are for the supported push notification services, such as APNs and FCM
Country Filters on the destination country or region of an SMS message. The country or region is represented by its ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code
PhoneNumber Filters on the phone number when you publish SMS directly to a phone number (without a topic)
Platform Filters on platform objects for the push notification services, such as APNs and FCM
TopicName Filters on Amazon SNS topic names
SMSType Filters on the message type of SMS message. Can be promotional or transactional

Supported SNS Metrics

SNS provides below metrics to be collected.

Metrics Description
NumberOfMessagesPublished The number of messages published to your Amazon SNS topics
NumberOfNotificationsDelivered The number of messages successfully delivered from your Amazon SNS topics to subscribing endpoints
NumberOfNotificationsFailed The number of messages that Amazon SNS failed to deliver
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOut The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies. A filter policy rejects a message when the message attributes don't match the policy attributes
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOutInvalidAttributes The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies because the messages' attributes are invalid – for example, because the attribute JSON is incorrectly formatted
NumberOfNotificationsFilteredOutNoMessageAttributes The number of messages that were rejected by subscription filter policies for attribute-based filtering
NumberOfNotificationsRedrivenToDlq The number of messages that have been moved to a dead-letter queue
NumberOfNotificationsFailedToRedriveToDlq The number of messages that couldn't be moved to a dead-letter queue
PublishSize The size of messages published
SMSMonthToDateSpentUSD The charges you have accrued since the start of the current calendar month for sending SMS messages
SMSSuccessRate The rate of successful SMS message deliveries