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caeops > tenants



This command helps you update a tenant admin account with CloudAEye. Run caeops tenants update --help for more help.


--email [value]
[--given-name [value]]
[--family-name [value]]
[--company [value]]
[--birthdate [value]]
[--address [value]]
[--gender [value]]
[--company-phone [value]]
[--company-logo [value]]
[--company-url [value]]
[--linkedin-url [value]]
[--phone-number [value]]
## Options
--email (string)

> A valid email-id for account registration

--given-name (string)

> Name of the tenant admin

--family-name (string)

> Family name of the tenant admin

--company (string)

> Name of tenant admin's comapny

--birthdate (string)

> Birthdate of the tenant

--gender (string)

> Gender of the tenant

--address (string)

> Address of the company

--comapny-phone (string)

> Phone number of tenant admin's company

--company-logo (string)

> Logo of tenant admin's company

--company-url (string)

> Url of tenant admin's company

--linkedin-url (string)

> LinkedIn url of the tenant admin

--phone-number (string)

> Phone number of the tenant admin 

## Examples
To update a tenant with CloudAEye.

The following `tenants update` example updates a user with CloudAEye.
caeops tenants update --company-url=company-website --company-phone=company-phone-number --company-logo=url-of-company-logo ```


User details -> (structure)

  • email -> (string)
    Email address of the user
  • givenName -> (string)
    Name of the user
  • familyName -> (string)
    Family name of the user
  • linkedinUrl -> (string)
    LinkedIn url of the user
  • picture -> (string)
    Url of the user's picture
  • phoneNumber -> (number)
    Phone number of the user
  • roles -> (list)
    Roles assigned to the user
  • gender -> (list)
    Gender of the user
  • address -> (list)
    Address of the user
  • birthdate -> (list)
    Birthdate of the user
  • company -> (list)
    Name of the company
  • companyUrl -> (list)
    Website of the company
  • companyPhone -> (list)
    Phone number of the company
  • companyLogo -> (list)
    URL of the company's logo
  • createdAt -> (long)
    Creation timestamp
  • updatedAt -> (long)
    Last modified timestamp
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